Akita health


Nurturing the Health and Well-Being of Your Akita: A Comprehensive Guide

The Akita is not just a majestic breed known for its dignified appearance and loyal temperament; it’s also a breed that requires attentive care to maintain its health and well-being. Understanding their dietary needs, establishing regular habits and providing for their overall wellness are crucial components of Akita care.

1. Prioritizing Akita Well-being

Akitas thrive in environments where they can maintain a balance of physical activity and rest.
They are adaptable dogs, but they do best with a consistent routine.
Regular feeding times, exercise schedules and grooming sessions help them feel secure and content.

2. Dietary Needs and Nutrition

Akitas require a balanced diet rich in nutrients, preferably without wheat and corn.
They benefit from a diet high in proteins, but it should also include
healthy fats and oils as well as healthy carbohydrates, with potatoes and rice being among the best
options. Ensure that the primary protein sources in their food are whole meats like beef or fish.
We provide detailed feeding and supplement information to owners of our puppies.

3. Exercise and Physical Health

Despite their large size, Akitas do not require excessive exercise. However, regular physical activity is important and beneficial for their health.

Walks and other activities: daily walks are great to maintain their physical health and strengthen the bond between the dog and its owner. Akitas love every minute spent with their beloved owner/family, it may be a walk or playtime session if you let your dog having free time in the garden and don’t spend your time with the dog during walks.

Playtime: Although Akitas, as we have already mentioned, are not very active dogs, and often give the impression of being serious and dignified, they have moments of “silliness,” bursts of playfulness, when they joyfully run, jump, and change directions. It’s truly a funny sight :). The same applies to toys, and even older Akitas have moments when they play like puppies, so it’s worth providing them with toys they will play with, both with us and on their own. Sometimes, they might destroy a toy or a plushie – during the hunting game. Sometimes it’s worth letting an Akita “go wild” in play.

4. Grooming and Skin Health

Proper grooming is crucial for Akitas to maintain their overall health and ensure their coat remains in optimal condition. However, it’s essential to remember that maintaining healthy skin and coat isn’t just about external care; internal factors play a significant role as well. This includes providing proper nutrition tailored to their needs. A balanced diet rich in nutrients is vital for promoting healthy skin and a shiny coat from the inside out.

Moreover, it’s important to recognize that a dog’s mental well-being also affects their physical appearance. Stress and anxiety can manifest in various ways, including the condition of their skin and coat. Therefore, in addition to grooming and nutrition, ensuring a positive and enriching environment for your Akita is essential for their overall well-being.

 Bathing: It’s crucial to bath your Akita only when necessary to prevent stripping natural oils from their coat, which can result in dryness and irritation. When bathing, opt for high-quality, natural products to maintain the health of their skin and coat. Additionally, ensure thorough rinsing to remove all traces of shampoo, which can otherwise cause discomfort and skin issues.

 Brushing: Brushing holds significant importance, especially during shedding seasons, as it effectively removes loose fur and prevents matting. Also between shedding seasons, regular brushing helps revitalize the coat and delicately clean it between baths. However, it’s crucial to employ proper equipment and techniques to avoid skin irritation or coat damage. Opt for gentle brushes specifically designed for double-coated breeds, ensuring a comfortable grooming experience for your Akita.

5. Creating a Healthy Environment

 A Comfortable Resting Area: Ensure they have a comfortable, quiet place to rest and sleep.
Especially when there are little children in the house – prepare a safe, quiet place where the puppy can rest undisturbed.

Safe Outdoor Space: If you have a yard, make sure it’s safe and secure for your Akita to explore.

Conclusion: A Lifelong Commitment to Health and Happiness

Caring for an Akita is a lifelong commitment that goes beyond basic needs. It’s about understanding their unique requirements and creating a nurturing environment for them to thrive. With proper nutrition and attentive care, you can ensure your Akita enjoys a healthy, happy and, hopefully as long as possible, life.
