
In the annals of canine fidelity, few tales are as poignant and stirring as that of Hachiko.

Born in 1923, Hachiko’s life became intertwined with that of Professor Hidesaburo Ueno of Tokyo University. Every day, Hachiko would escort his owner to Shibuya Station and await his return. This daily ritual, emblematic of their bond, was abruptly halted in May 1925 when Professor Ueno passed away unexpectedly. Yet, the absence of his beloved master did not deter Hachiko.

For nearly a decade, Hachiko maintained his vigil at Shibuya Station, embodying a fidelity that touched the hearts of commuters and passersby. His unwavering presence at the station each day became a symbol of loyalty and love, resonating across Japan and eventually the world. Hachiko’s dedication was commemorated in 1934 with a bronze statue at Shibuya Station, a monument to his enduring devotion, with Hachiko himself in attendance at its unveiling.

The story of Hachiko, the loyal Akita dog, has inspired countless publications and has been the subject of two notable film adaptations: a Japanese film in 1987 and a Hollywood production. The 1987 Japanese film, titled ‘Hachiko Monogatari’ is a poignant and authentic portrayal of Hachiko’s life and his unwavering devotion to his owner. It is regarded as a classic in Japan and is beloved for its faithful representation of this touching story. The Hollywood adaptation, released in 2009 as ‘Hachi: A Dog’s Tale’ starring Richard Gere, brought Hachiko’s tale to an international audience, further cementing his legacy as a symbol of loyalty and the deep bond between humans and their pets. This film, while set in an American context, retains the essence of Hachiko’s story, resonating with viewers around the world and introducing many to the legend of this remarkable dog

Hachiko’s story remains a testament to the depths of loyalty and devotion that dogs can exhibit, standing as an eternal reminder of the special place they hold in our lives. His statue at Shibuya Station continues to be a popular landmark, not just a meeting spot, but a tribute to the heartwarming and timeless bond shared between Hachiko and Professor Ueno.



In the serene town of Ajigasawa, Aomori Prefecture in Japan, a fluffy, longcoat Akita named Wasao has woven his way into the hearts of both locals and visitors alike. His journey from an unassuming stray to a national celebrity is as unique as his distinctive, luxuriant coat.

Wasao’s early days were marked by wandering the streets, his strikingly fluffy appearance catching the eye of Setsuko Kikuya, a local resident. She welcomed the gentle giant into her home, where he quickly became a beloved member of the community. Wasao’s affable nature and extraordinary looks didn’t just endear him to the residents of Ajigasawa; they catapulted him into the limelight.

The turning point in Wasao’s life came with the release of a 2011 Japanese film titled “Wasao”. This heartwarming film, chronicling his life, captured the imagination of audiences across Japan, transforming him into a nationwide sensation. As Wasao’s fame soared, he drew visitors from far and wide to the small, picturesque town, eager for a glimpse of the “most famous dog in Japan.”

Recognizing his impact on the community and beyond, Wasao was appointed as a tourism ambassador for Ajigasawa. His charming image was featured in various promotional materials, and he participated in events aimed at showcasing the beauty and charm of rural Japan. Through Wasao, the world saw the allure of Ajigasawa and the enduring spirit of the Akita breed.

Wasao’s tale is more than just a story of fame; it’s a narrative of resilience, hope, and the transformative power of kindness. From a lone stray to a beloved icon, his journey symbolizes the joy and dignity inherent in his breed. His legacy continues to draw people to Ajigasawa, serving as a testament to the special bond between humans and their dogs.

Wasao also received his own monument in Ajigasawa Town, Aomori Prefecture 

"Hoshi Mamoru Inu" - Star Watching Dog


In the realm of cinematic storytelling, the Japanese film “Hoshi Mamoru Inu,” translated as “The Dog Who Keeps Stars” or “Star Watching Dog,” stands out for its heartwarming narrative, though it is important to note that it is not based on true events. Released in 2011 and adapted from Takashi Murakami’s manga, this film brings to life a beautiful and fictional story featuring an Akita dog as a central character.

The film starts with a poignant scene – an abandoned car found on a hill, inside of which lies the body of a man alongside his loyal Akita dog. This discovery serves as a gateway into the world of Umezu and his dog Happy, leading the audience through a series of flashbacks that paint a rich tapestry of their life together. The story delves deep into their adventures and struggles, beautifully illustrating the unbreakable bond between them. Despite its fictional nature, “Hoshi Mamoru Inu” resonates with viewers for its authentic portrayal of the emotions, experiences, and profound connections that develop between pets and their owners.

What makes “Hoshi Mamoru Inu” remarkable is its ability to evoke the universal feelings of love, loss, and loyalty that transcend the specifics of its narrative. The film is a celebration of the Akita breed, known for its dignity, loyalty, and affection, and serves as a broader ode to the depth of the human-animal bond. It’s a story that speaks to pet owners and animal lovers alike, showcasing the significant, often transformative role pets play in our lives.

In essence, “Hoshi Mamoru Inu” is a poignant reminder of the power of companionship between humans and their canine friends. Its fictional story captures real emotions and experiences that many can relate to, leaving a lasting impression on its audience. Through its narrative, the film honors the enduring spirit of the Akita breed and the timeless nature of the bond shared between humans and their beloved pets.
